Man, Woman, Wild is a documentary reality television series that premiered on Discovery Channel on July 17, 2010. Mykel has Hawke, survival expert ex Army Special Armed Forces, and his wife, television journalist, Ruth England survive for four days and nights with few supplies in inhospitable places. There have been several occurrences where the couple has enlisted the help of your computer in case of emergency. The first was in episode-oriented Mexico desert, where Ruth was suffering from symptoms of heat exhaustion and dehydration. The second was in the episode of Alaska, where the couple was unable to make the trip to one runway due to exhaustion from lack of food, cold and an impending storm. Man, Woman, Wild is renewed for a second season on the Discovery Channel. The second season began airing on September 2, 2011.
But in this episode Louisiana firestorm, a forest fire raging through the journey of Louisiana and Mykel and field burning of Ruth. With strong winds blowing embers in all directions and lack of supplies, which must decide whether to keep their positions or find a way through the firestorm.