Glee is a comedy musical drama television series airing on FOX. It was created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan. The pilot episode of the series was issued on May 19, 2009, and the rest of the season began on September 9, 2009. Fox initially ordered thirteen episodes of Glee, picking up the show for the whole season on September 21, 2009, ordering nine more episodes. The rest of the first season aired from April 13, 2010-6 08, 2010, when the end of the season took place. The series has completed its second season, and has begun to pass on their third.
The series focuses on a school choir show a high, also known as a choral group in the fictional William McKinley School in Lima, Ohio. Schuester Will (Matthew Morrison) is in charge of the Glee Club after the former teacher (Stephen Tobolowsky) is fired for inappropriate contact with a student. With a motley crew of young misfits, Will try to restore the chorus to its former glory while caring for his wife Terri (Jessalyn Gilsig) and the development of his feelings for his colleague Emma (Jayma Mays), and the defense choir of the existence of collusion cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch). An important aspect of the series is that students in the choir: their relationship as a couple, their love for singing and desire for the popularity of conflict because of his membership in the club menial, and the many vicissitudes of life in high school and as a teenager.
The fourth episode of Season Glee 3, entitled "Pot O 'Gold" is released on November 1, 2011. The episode has finished filming the September 22, 2011. It is directed by Adam Shankman, and the screenplay was written by Allison Adler.
Hummel Burt decides to enter the race for Congress. Sue's last opponent is campaigning with the phrase "People that matter".
New Directions, will also suffer more defections.
Several new characters are introduced in this episode. Sources say that Damian McGinty, one of the winners of Project Glee, play the role of Rory Flanagan. He is a foreign exchange student in Ireland. The wires have not revealed the role of Pony Motta, whom Puck will be responsible for teaching swimming lessons.
A series of spoilers revealed that Katy Perry will be presented Blaine Last Night's Friday (TGIF), while Rory perform "It's not easy being green," Sesame Street.
But that's not all the reasons why you should see the next episode of Glee. Ryan Murphy told reporters that Mike will have made two songs from this episode. I can not wait to see our piece strut their stuff in Asia again! See you November 1st!