Jersey Shore is an American television reality series that premiered on MTV on December 9, 2009 in the United States. The series follows the lives of eight housemates, Angelina Pivarnick (Seasons 1-2), Jenni "Jwoww" Farley, Michael "The Situation" Sorrentino, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, Paul "Pauly D" Delvecchio, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro , Sammi "Sweetheart" Giancola, Vinny Guadagnino and Deena Nicole Cortese (Season 3) - spending their summer vacation on the Jersey shore. Season 2 follows the cast to escape the cold northeast of Miami. Season 3 saw the cast going back to the Jersey shore for the summer, with Deena Nicole Cortese replace Angelina. MTV confirmed that four season the cast is heading to Italy.
The first season there were five special episodes, with some episodes to air after select. There has been a series of special internet only on
Grab your hair gel, wax Cadillac tattooed biceps and get ready to pump your fist with the best of this summer at the Jersey Shore. MTV latest telenovela exposes one of the most misunderstood species of tri-state area, the Guido. Our Guidos and Guidette will move in the last rental house on the beach and enjoy everything the Seaside Heights, New Jersey scene has to offer. Beach during the day, dance and party all night. They live, work, and rage together until the summer ends. No spray tan too orange, no hair very end, and not too tight bodies for this team.
The fourth season of Jersey Shore is Snooki, the situation, Jenni, and the rest of the cast of Jersey Shore, as the head of Florence, Italy, to spend another summer vacation exciting and enjoy once again.
They left the Jersey Shore to have a new sense of adventure. But here, it will stay in an apartment, but rather in a hotel and feel like real tourists exploring the place.
Have experienced extreme culture shock when they first arrived in Italy and in the coming days some of their stay. In previous episodes of the second season of Jersey Shore 4, we have seen how the entire cast gave effort in finding some time for a little more interaction with local people, some real tourism, and what is New this season is that they do not make some lame job galeteria in Palermo or the version of the store on the coast.
Jersey Shore "fish pump, pumps, Chap Stick," has left some serious things to talk, guys. First, what is wrong with the boys club?
It's ironic (and sad?) Who Pauly and Vinny Guidos make fun of the first bomb (which they do both) are working on a site (both are) and wear chapstick when Pauly and Vinny are essentially the same court " Guido "fabric?
See Jersey Shore Season 4 Episode 7 - Online Italian coast.
The next new episode of the coast of New Jersey (Season 4, Episode 6) will not be issued until Thursday, September 8th, but has a growing list of spoilers to keep you until then. Following the great Ronnie and Mike fight no more drama with peers, but there is also an effort to lighten the mood.
Deena continues with Pauly. Later, she and Snooki get a chilly reception a night club. Meanwhile, Mike has returned to raise the drama, bringing the whole house to turn on him.