The Universe is a documentary series on American television which premiered on May 29, 2007 on The History Channel. The program is produced by Flight 33 and Workaholic Productions. The show features CGI / computer graphics of astronomical objects in the universe and interviews with experts who study in the fields of cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics. New episodes currently in production. That will air exclusively on H2.
From our humble planet to the most amazing celestial bodies, immerse yourself in this spectacular exploration of our universe ..
The planets of our solar system have been epic disasters over its long history, raining down from both outside and inside of bubbles. Let's travel back in time to investigate the violent events that profoundly shaped the planets, including Earth itself. We will witness stunning revelations that transformed Mars into a barren desert and hostile ... The disaster that Venus changed from warm to hell ... The impact blew mantle of Mercury, becoming a planetary core ... A disturbance reorganize colossal orbits of gas giants ... Impacts on Jupiter Titanic ... and how a lost moon may eventually explain the rings of Saturn.