NOVA Season 39 Episode 6 The Fabric Of The Cosmos: Illusion Of Time

Nova is an American science documentary television alternation produced by WGBH Boston for PBS. Many of the programs in this account were not originally produced for PBS, but were acquired from added sources such as the BBC. All acquired programs are edited for Nova, if alone to accommodate American English narration. In 2005, Nova began airing some episodes blue-blooded NOVA scienceNOW, which followed a newsmagazine appearance format. For two seasons, NOVA scienceNOW episodes aired in the aforementioned time aperture as Nova. In 2008, NOVA scienceNOW was clearly declared its own alternation and accustomed its own time slot. None of the NOVA scienceNOW episodes are included in this list.

Episode Summary of NOVA Season 39 Episode 6 – The Fabric of the Cosmos – Apparition of Time 3906:

Time. We decay it, save it, annihilate it, accomplish it. The apple runs on it. Yet, ask physicists what time absolutely is, and the acknowledgment ability shock you: They accept no idea. Even added surprising, the abysmal faculty we accept of time casual from present to accomplished may be annihilation added than an illusion. How can our compassionate of article so accustomed be so wrong? In look of answers, Brian Greene takes us on the ultimate time traveling adventure, hurtling 50 years into the approaching afore dispatch into a wormhole to biking aback to the past. Along the way, he will acknowledge a new way of cerebration about time in which moments past, present, and future.
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