"Let's stay together" is the story of Stacy Lawrence, a pediatrician, who is engaged to Charles Whitmore, the contractor hired to remodel her kitchen. Stacy and Charles are funny, sexy, strong dynamics. However, six months in some of the magic, eventually finding a soul mate, vaporized, and they find themselves constantly renegotiating their rules of coexistence. By contrast, is Stacy super fabulous younger sister Tasha and her husband, Jamal, act as the old married couple, even if they are only in their 20s. Tasha did a lot of mistakes in love before she found a stable, an ambitious man as Jamal, to please your man itself and the raising of their six month old twins. Jamal considered lucky, that's fine, loyal wife as Tasha, although her bring the drama at regular intervals. Charles earthy younger sister Kit, a proud employee of the DMV, celebrates its independence, from Dating while she explores the whole life before her to settle down.
Malinda Williams Star and Bert Balasco as a couple who are newly employed and tries to lead a traditional modern life while living in a new version of mad about you.
Are expected to do it again, when two independent-minded sisters take a step towards the traditional marriage life places their love to the test. This sophisticated romantic comedy series keep it in the sense of humor, as it deals with the hienoudet and gender, peace and a communication on the network.