Tyler Perry's House of Payne is an American television sitcom, currently airing in on TBS, that stars Allen Payne from The Cosby Show. Created and produced by playwright, director, and ambassador Tyler Perry, the show's apriorism revolves about a multi-generational ancestors active beneath one roof in Atlanta. The ball premiered on June 6, 2007 on the TBS television network.
Tyler Perry's House of Payne is a ball alternation about a multi-generational, alive chic ancestors who adventures all of life's struggles with faith, adulation and best chiefly humor.
Curtis gets the opportunity to be a contestant on "Paynefully Fit," while Deshawn gets advice about girls.
Miranda gets hit on by a new client; the family honors Curtis.
Tyler Perry's House of Payne is a ball alternation about a multi-generational, alive chic ancestors who adventures all of life's struggles with faith, adulation and best chiefly humor.
Curtis gets the opportunity to be a contestant on "Paynefully Fit," while Deshawn gets advice about girls.
Miranda gets hit on by a new client; the family honors Curtis.