South Park is an animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The series began as a pair of animated shorts entitled The Spirit of Christmas. The first episode of the series originally aired on August 13, 1997 on Comedy Central, and finished the first half of its fifteenth season on June 8, 2011. To quell the rumors caused by the season finale of "you're getting old" that would be the last fifteenth season, Comedy Central issued a statement clarifying that the statement of South Park, in fact, has been renewed for two more seasons, taking the show through 2013, although the number of episodes of these stations is not known at this time.
As of October 5, 2011, 217 South Park episodes have aired. The first fourteen seasons are available on DVD in Region 1, Region 2 and Region 4.
In South Park, Colorado, which follows the adventures of four foul-mouthed fourth graders: Eric Cartman, the rude, nasty, sadistic, racist guy, fat, Stan Marsh, a quiet boy with a crush on Wendy Testaberger (although usually vomits whenever he talks to her), Kyle Brofloski, the boy Cartman gets religious with being Jewish and Kenny, the orange parka-hooded child who dies every episode. Of course, almost every day in South Park is characterized by strange occurrences, such as aliens planting a chip in Cartman's anus or Michael Jackson himself moving into the neighborhood, but the public would not have it any other way . Starring: Matt Stone as Kyle / Kenny, Trey Parker as Stan / Cartman / Mr. Garrison / Timmy, Mary Kay Bergman as a Principal Victoria / Liane / Sharon / Sheila / Nurse Gollum, and Isaac Hayes as Chef.
Int his episode Cartman imagines a Border Patrol agent in the U.S., when children play in front of Mexicans living in Texas.